Horror Beach is a shore town in New Jersey based on many of the towns that seaside. It has a boardwalk, a lighthouse, an amusement park, and a lively bar nightlife. Properly known as Honor Beach, NJ, Horror Beach is the first Destination of The Worst Days, and thus has a rich and detailed layout that players will get to know as we release content for it through our Adventure Arcs, and (hopefully) a location guide.
Players can enjoy the doo-wop era of the shore in the mid 20th century, or the pop-culture crazes of the 80s and 90s, or the heavy commercialism of the 2010s on, playing skeeball and eating pizza on the boardwalk, beating up the beat at the bars and clubs, and riding bycicles in the early morning to get apple cider donuts before heading up to the lighthouse. Every location in Horror Beach can create an authentic slice-of-life adventure down the shore, or can be plucked out of its Jersey Shore home and dropped in any seaside, island, or resort town to suit your adventure needs.

Mt. Tibo Kiba is the ski-resort getaway for the whole family. Located in the southeastern corner of Idaho, Mt. Tibo Kiba offers skiing nine months a year, as well as hiking, rock-climbing, swimming, and other tourist attractions all year 'round. Founded in the 1940s, Mt. Tibo Kiba has had times of boom and bust, shining with glitz and glamor in the 1960s, and falling on harder times during the 1980s.
With its own ballroom, library, single-screen movie theater, pool, hunting cabin, abandoned mining village, and mountain-top cafe, Mt. Tibo Kiba offers fun for the whole family even if they aren't interested in hitting the slopes.
We'll be releasing more about Mt. Tibo Kiba in the coming months, and are planning a location guide.

Singleton is small-town American at just about any point from 1950 on. It's got a Main Street, a small two-screen movie theater, a bowling alley, and a few local eateries and bars. It's a place where just about any kind of story can be told. Elements from our own playtests populate the streets of Singleton, like the Golden Falcon, and Lucky Lou's Roller Eclipse of the Heart. Other places, like The Rum Walker, The Burger Hub, and Coin Droppers are introduced in our Adventure Arcs.
Singlton is meant to be a location for any adventure, or a resource to draw from for your own locations. Pluck The Rum Walker out of Singleton and drop it into your own town. Use the Gilded Falcon either as your local theater, or the strange building that just popped up on a foggy night.
We'll be building out Singleton location by location with new Adventure Arcs, location guides, and more.

Located in Middle America, Slumpo's Pizza Kitchen has been going strong since 1972. Named after it's founder, Giullo Slumpo, Slumpo's has tried to keep up with the changing times. In the 1970s an arcade was added featuring pinball and a few video game machines. Then, with each passing decade, new party rooms, arcade expansions, and even a small rollerskating rink have been bolted on to the ever-growing building.
Of course, most people remember Slumpo's for their amazing Pizza, but a few remember a short period of time in the 1980s when Slumpo's introduced a full cast of costumed characters. Eschewing the popular animatronics of the day, Slumpo's brought in performers to dress up as Unicorns, Hippos, Turtles, and, of course, the famous Blue Elephant himself, Slumpo!
Of cousre, the rumors of a terrible event involving Slumpo, and of long, winding, obscure passages below the building are all rumors.
Aren't they?